Front-end technologies, such as frontend frameworks, have speeded up the creation of all software applications. Although backend technologies are equally crucial, users will first see and appreciate the frontend because it is the fundamental output.
Author: CMC Global
Top 6 Web Development Outsourcing Companies in Asia
The success of a company in the modern world depends greatly on its online presence. The foundation of that presence is an appealing website. Finding a trusted tech partner is one of the most effective methods for speeding up web development.
Process of Website development: Full guide in 8 steps
Website development projects vary in their forms and sizes, and the process of website development is also the same. Following a proven method will guarantee that your website is both user and search friendly, whether you are building a small brochure website or a large brand site with thousands of products.
Top 10 Mobile Optimization Apps for Your Business
Ensuring that end-to-end performance is consistently optimized is an important part that makes any app development a success. Mobile app optimization isn’t always easy, but businesses must respond quickly or risk losing their position to other competitors.
IT Outsourcing: What It Is and Benefits of IT Outsourcing to Your Business
With the rapid advancement of technology, more businesses are beginning to see the benefits of outsourcing IT to managed service providers. Your company can benefit from IT assistance, security, backup solutions, etc., by utilizing the skills and knowledge of external IT specialists.
IT Outsourcing for Small Businesses: Ultimate Guide for Start-ups or Small Businesses
The concept of outsourcing is commonplace in the technological sector. With outsourcing, a company can enhance its core product or business strategy by bringing together talents worldwide. IT outsourcing also offers start-ups or small businesses a lot of benefits.
On-premises vs. Cloud: A Comprehensive Explanation
In recent years, cloud computing has transformed how companies store data. Prior to the cloud, the only alternative was on-premise storage—organizations built up and operated their own servers to host websites and apps.
The Definitive Guide to Clean Code: Definitions, Benefits, Best Practices
The phrase “clean code” was coined by Robert Cecil Martin in his book “Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship” as a term for …
Technology Adoption: Definitions, Benefits, Obstacles, and Solutions
In 2021, digital transformation was the #1 IT goal for worldwide companies. Given our increasing reliance on digital devices in our mostly technological world, this …
9 Strategies To Speed Up Software Development
When it comes to staying ahead of the competition, fast software development is essential. However, it is equally critical to avoid compromising quality for the …
Fundamentals of Software Architecture Explained
The software development process is analogous to the construction of a house. If the foundation is sturdy, it will withstand the test of time and …
CMC Global: IT Outsourcing Vendor For Medium To Large Sized Software Projects and ODC Setup
Finding a reliable IT outsourcing vendor for a software project is hard, but finding one for a medium or large project, where hundreds of thousands …