Top 10 Unmissable Programming Languages To Learn In 2023

Learning to code can have loads of benefits, whether you’re looking to level up your skills or start a career in tech. You’ll boost your …

top programming languages

Learning to code can have loads of benefits, whether you’re looking to level up your skills or start a career in tech. You’ll boost your brainpower and sharpen your problem-solving skills, all while opening up the possibility of landing a sweet-paying job. But with over 700 coding languages out there, it can be confusing to know where to start. 

Fear not! This article breaks down the top 10 languages to learn in 2023

top developing languages in 2023

Programming Language

However, please bear in mind that the ultimate decision on which programming language to learn depends on the particular project you intend to undertake. With that said, let us delve into the top 10 programming languages that will be most suitable for improving your development skills in 2023.

What is a Programming Language?

Programming LanguageProgramming Language

Computer programming languages are used to give instructions to a computer in a language the computer understands. Many programming languages are available, each with its distinct features, but there are commonalities between them.

Programming languages allow computers to process large and complex information quickly and efficiently. This, however, would be challenging and time-consuming for a person to do.

Types of Programming Languages: 

Programming languages can be classified as either low-level or high-level.

Low-level Languages are closer to machine code, which makes them harder for humans to read, although they’re still more readable than binary. These languages offer precise control over computer functions and are faster.

High-level Languages, on the other hand, use words that are closer to our everyday language, making them easier to program in. However, they take more time to translate into machine code.

With the increasing power of computers, the difference in runtime between low-level and high-level programming languages is often only a few milliseconds, meaning that high-level languages are suitable for most situations.

There are many programming languages used in the industry. But first, let’s travel back in time a bit and see last year- 2022’s Top Programming Languages:

Top 10 Programming Languages 2022

Position PYPL ranking September 2022 Stack Overflow’s Developer Survey 2022
1 Python JavaScript
3 JavaScript SQL
4 C# Python
5 C/C++ TypeScript
6 PHP Java
7 R Bash/Shell
8 TypeScript C#
9 Go C++
10 Swift PHP


Top Programming Languages 2023

Tuning into 2023, certain programming languages prove their timelessness, persisting with its heating popularity (Python, Java, JavaScript…) while certain ones fall short of the shortlists (R, Bash/Shell…)

1. Python

Python is a versatile, general-purpose programming language that finds applications in diverse fields such as web development, prototyping, automation, data analysis, and visualization. It is highly favored by software developers for its ability to perform well in scripting. Furthermore, Python supports various programming paradigms, such as imperative, procedural, object-oriented, and functional programming languages, thereby allowing users to accomplish their tasks using multiple approaches.

Illustratively, Python has numerous powerful frameworks, including Django, Bottle, Web2Py, and PyScript. Its widespread usage is also evident, with notable companies such as Intel, IBM, Netflix, and Meta using the language. Python’s popularity with developers can be practically attributed to its ease of learning, versatility for use on various projects, and importance in the field of data science.

Use Cases:

  • Web Development
  • Data Analysis
  • Data Visualization
  • Task Automation
  • Machine Learning

Read more: 9 Types of Software Engineers: Roles and Skills

2. C#

C# is widely considered one of the best programming languages because of its remarkable stability and fast performance. The programming language is based on the object-oriented paradigm, which focuses on the design of software around objects. Moreover, it has a straightforward syntax and a well-defined class structure, making it easier to learn compared to its predecessors, C and C++.

C# is an extension of C, and it adds several features such as variable checking, type checking, bound checking, and garbage collection. As a member of the C language family, it is well-established and popular, and companies such as Microsoft, Stack Overflow, Accenture, and Intuit include it in their technology stack.



C# Example


Use Cases:

  • Mobile Development
  • Desktop Development
  • Web Development
  • Enterprise Applications
  • Cloud Services
  • Video Game Development


3. C++

C++ is one of the most commonly used programming languages in computer science and is considered an enhanced version of C. It is also considered the most suitable programming language to learn due to its versatility. Its speed and power make it easy for developers to create high-performance software, including web browsers, graphics software, and video games.

C++’s longevity is another reason for its widespread use. Having been in existence for over 40 years, it now supports millions of applications, and developers have continuously improved it with new libraries and 20 updates. In addition to new application development, C++ skills are crucial for maintaining existing applications and infrastructure.

Use Cases:

  • Browser Rendering
  • Device Operating Systems
  • Video Game Development
  • Cloud Systems
  • Banking Applications


4. JavaScript

For front-end web development, the recommended programming languages to learn are JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. Among these, JavaScript is the most widely used language, serving as a client-side scripting language for 97.8% of all websites.

It should also be put into consideration of JavaScript’s unmatched wide application. A remarkable 97.3% of all websites employ JavaScript as a client-side language. Moreover, with a growth rate of 157% per year, the popularity of JavaScript is expected to increase further.”

Use Cases:

  • Web Development
  • Mobile Development
  • Interactive Design
  • Data Visualization

Read more: 10 things you can do with Javascript

5. PHP

PHP is often regarded as one of the primary back-end languages for web developers to learn, particularly because it is the major programming language for WordPress. In fact, 78.1% of all websites use PHP, making it a valuable skill for aspiring web developers.

Despite not being as popular as other general-purpose languages, PHP’s specialization gives it an advantage in web development compared to languages like Python.

Use Cases:

  • Web development
  • Desktop app development


6. Swift

Swift is one of the relatively newer programming languages available today. It was introduced as a replacement for Objective-C, the primary language once used in Apple products.

Although Swift was initially thought to have the potential to compete with the likes of Python, it never quite caught on as a general-purpose language. As a result, its popularity has declined.

Use Cases:

  • iPhone App Development
  • macOS App Development


7. Java

As the owner of the proprietary programming language Java, Oracle has created a high-level, all-purpose programming language that simplifies application development for programmers.

Java is experiencing a growth rate of 155% and is expected to maintain its top position in the programming language landscape for the foreseeable future.

Use Cases:

  • Mobile Applications
  • Cloud Applications
  • Video Game Development
  • IoT Devices
  • Web-Based Applications
  • Big Data
  • Machine Learning


8. Go

Golang, commonly referred to as Go was specifically developed for building online, desktop, and API-based applications. Over a decade after Go’s launch, interest in the language has continued to grow. From 2018 to 2020, Go was the number one language developers wanted to learn. Companies such as Uber, Twitch, Dropbox, and – yes, Google – are using Go in their tech stack.

Despite being a relatively new programming language, Go has seen rapid growth and is currently one of the fastest-growing languages. Go stands out in this list as the second fastest-growing language. Go’s popularity is growing at a rate of 190%, while PHP is growing at 145%. Add in the fact that employer demand for Go increased by 301%, and its growth may even impact the popularity of other languages.

Use Cases:

  • Cloud Development
  • Back-End Development
  • Distributed Networks
  • General Development


9. SQL

If you are interested in data science and statistical computing, the best programming language to learn is Structured Query Language (SQL). This domain-specific language allows programmers to query, manipulate, and analyze data stored in a relational database.

Out of all the programming languages on the list, only SQL is specifically designed for database management. This sets it apart from the other front-end and back-end languages. While it’s widely used and popular for managing databases, it’s not as versatile as languages like Java, Python, and JavaScript which are more widely used overall.


Use Cases:

  • Relational Database Management


10. Ruby

Ruby is another popular open-source programming language that can be used for data analysis and prototyping, in addition to its common use in web application development. 

The programming language, however, is mostly known for Ruby on Rails, a web application framework optimized for efficiency and DRYness. Although it has an active and passionate community of developers, Ruby’s popularity has gradually declined over the past few years.

Use Cases:

  • Web Development
  • Video Game Development
  • Scientific Computing
  • Data Processing
  • Automation Tools
  • Data Analysis



Deciding on the best programming language to learn can be subjective and based on personal preferences. Similar to human languages, your thinking patterns and what comes naturally to you will affect your opinion. Python is known for being easy to learn and a great option for beginners, while C, the foundation for most operating systems, can be more challenging. Whichever language you choose, learning to program can be a fun and rewarding experience.


CMC Global can assist you in kickstarting a career in programming by honing your skills and proficiency in the programming languages that match your abilities and passions.



Contact us for further consultation!