Data Warehousing: Concept, Key Features and How It Works

In today’s data-driven world, organizations face the challenge of harnessing vast amounts of information to drive strategic decisions and gain competitive advantages. Enter data warehousing, …

In today’s data-driven world, organizations face the challenge of harnessing vast amounts of information to drive strategic decisions and gain competitive advantages. Enter data warehousing, an important technology that serves as the backbone of modern business intelligence

What is Data Warehousing? 

Data Warehousing involves collecting, arranging, and overseeing data from various resources to offer valuable business insights and predictions to relevant customers. 

Data warehouses are centralized storage and analysis hubs, facilitating informed decision-making. They gather data from various sources such as transactional structures, relational databases, and different applicable sources within an organization. 

Data warehouses, used for generating insights and guiding decision-making through business intelligence (BI), typically involve a blend of current and historical data from various internal and external databases. This data undergoes extraction, transformation, and loading (ETL) processes before integration into the warehouse. 

Key Features of Data Warehousing  

  • Time-variant: Within a Data Warehouse (DWH), data gives insights from distinct historical periods. Therefore, the data is organized within specific time intervals. 
  • Subject-oriented: It offers data related to a particular topic instead of the day-to-day activities of the business enterprise. Such topics can include sales, promotions, inventory, and more. For instance, if you aim to leverage your company’s sales data, you will build a data warehouse focused on sales. This warehouse will offer valuable insights such as ‘Who was your top customer last year?’ or ‘Who is expected to become your top customer in the upcoming year?’ 
  • Integrated: It is created by combining data from various sources, including flat files and relational databases. 
  • Non-volatile: This term describes historical data that remains unbroken even when newer data is incorporated. A Data Warehouse (DWH) is different from an operational database, meaning any routine updates made to the operational database do not affect the data warehouse. 

Data Warehouse Benefits 

Data warehouses offer numerous advantages to enterprises. Among the frequently cited benefits are: 

  • Offering a reliable, centralized storage solution for extensive historical data. 
  • Enhancing business operations and decision-making through valuable insights. 
  • Boosting a company’s ROI. 
  • Elevating data accuracy. 
  • Strengthening business intelligence capabilities by amalgamating data from various origins. 
  • Facilitating widespread access to historical data across the organization. 
  • Leveraging AI and machine learning to refine business analytics. 

Data Warehouse Architecture 

The specific design of a data warehouse can differ, with variations including one-, two-, or three-tier setups. The three-tier architecture is frequently encountered, including: 

  1. The bottom tier, referred to as the data tier, is where data is sourced for the warehouse.
  2. The middle tier, known as the application tier, is where an OLAP server handles data processing.
  3. The top tier, called the presentation tier, is designed for end-user interaction and features specialized tools and APIs for data retrieval and analysis.

Cloud Data Warehouse  

In the past, data warehouses were typically located on servers within a company’s premises. However, contemporary trends show an increasing shift towards utilizing cloud storage for storing and analyzing vast amounts of data. Among the prevalent cloud data warehouse solutions are: 

  • Microsoft Azure’s offerings, notably Azure Synapse Analytics and Azure SQL Database. 
  • Amazon Redshift, Amazon Web Services (AWS) data warehousing solution. 
  • Google BigQuery, Google Cloud’s data warehousing service. 
  • Snowflake, a popular cloud-based data warehouse platform. 

Data Warehouse Examples 

Big data has become indispensable in the realms of data warehousing and business intelligence across various industries. Let’s explore examples of data warehousing applications in different sectors: 

Retail Chains 

Retail chains use data warehouses for tasks such as distribution management and marketing strategies. These warehouses help track inventory, analyze pricing strategies, monitor promotional campaigns, and understand customer purchasing behaviors. Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW) systems are commonly used in retail chains to fulfill business intelligence and predictive analytics requirements. 

Investment and Insurance 

Companies heavily rely on data warehouses in these sectors to analyze customer behavior, market trends, and other data patterns. Sub-sectors like forex and stock markets particularly benefit from data warehouses because they can handle real-time data streaming. Given the high stakes involved, even minor fluctuations can result in significant losses across the board. 


Data warehouses are important in predicting patient outcomes, generating treatment reports, and facilitating data sharing with insurance providers, research labs, and other medical entities in the healthcare sector. Enterprise Data Warehouses serve as the backbone of healthcare systems, as they provide access to the latest treatment information, which is critical for enhancing patient care and saving lives. 

Who Runs The Data Warehouse? 

A data warehouse typically relies on a team of IT and data science experts for its administration and management. 

Data Architects 

These professionals design, construct, refine, and adapt the data warehouse’s structure, focusing on integrating data from diverse sources. They also tackle application and database integrations. 

Data Engineers 

Working directly with data, data engineers handle its integration, transformation, and loading using the ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) process. They build and optimize pipelines, analyze data patterns, conduct large-scale analyses, and develop and test prototypes. 

Data Analysts 

Analysts extract insights from the data warehouse and integrated databases, converting data into actionable information for business strategies through analysis, reporting, A/B testing, and quality control. 

Database Administrators 

Responsible for both software and hardware maintenance, administrators safeguard the data stores and ensure their proper functioning. They oversee tasks within and outside the data warehouse to maintain operational efficiency and data utilization. 

Project Managers 

Essential for large-scale data warehouse projects, project managers serve as a vital link between data scientists, executives, stakeholders, and other departments. They facilitate collaboration and communication, ensuring seamless project execution. 

The collaboration of these professionals forms a cohesive team crucial for the optimal performance of the data warehouse, enabling effective decision-making within the organization. 

Elevating Your Data Strategy With CMC Global

In the fast-paced data management landscape, selecting the right partner is paramount to achieving success. CMC Global emerges as a beacon of reliability and expertise, offering unparalleled solutions tailored to your data needs. Here’s why partnering with CMC Global can transform your data strategy and drive your business forward:

  • Expertise and Experience: With years of experience in the field, CMC Global boasts a team of seasoned professionals who are adept at navigating the complexities of data management. From data warehousing to analytics and beyond, their expertise spans the entire spectrum of data-related services.
  • Cutting-edge Technology: Staying ahead of the curve is crucial in the world of data management. CMC Global leverages the latest technologies and tools to ensure that your data strategy is not only effective but also future-proof. From advanced analytics to AI-driven insights, they harness the power of innovation to drive results.
  • Scalability and Flexibility: As your business grows, so do your data needs. CMC Global provides scalable solutions that can adapt to the evolving demands of your organization. Whether you’re expanding into new markets or launching innovative products, they offer flexible solutions that grow with you.
  • Proven Track Record: CMC Global has a proven track record of success, with a portfolio of satisfied clients across industries. Their commitment to excellence and dedication to client satisfaction have earned them a reputation as a trusted partner in the world of data management.

Choosing CMC Global as your partner for data management is a strategic investment in the future success of your business. With their expertise, customized solutions, cutting-edge technology, scalability, and proven track record, you can trust CMC Global to elevate your data strategy and drive tangible results for your organization. Contact us for further details!