CMC Global

Author: CMC Global

How COVID-19 changed the malware: Four goals of cybercrime

2020 is a devastating year for most of the fields, with COVID-19’s impacts still lingering. The story of malware in 2020 then, has certain changes …

Largest IT Leadership Survey in the world for 2020

2020 was an exceptional year with movements, trends, and incidents we have never seen before. How did IT leaders all around the world think about …

Improve Computer Software Maintenance: 7 Ways to Success

Normally, we would think of computer software maintenance as a part of the Software Development Life Cycle. But do we all understand the real importance …

RPA Implementation – 2021 Automation with Intelligence Report

The ubiquity of robots has been predicted in Hollywood movies since the early 18s. Today, in 2021, with the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic, this trend has spread everywhere in the workplace despite a history of uneasiness on the part of humans. It is safe to say that intelligent automation, or RPA implementation, has secured a permanent place in day-to-day business operations.

Software Performance Testing: Testing Goals, Steps and More

Every product must be tested several times to get it launched, and one of the most important tests is Software performance testing. This is the …

RPA failures: Top 8 causes and how to avoid them

The whole fancy pictures and RPA best practices on the Internet may make you think it’s something like a slam dunk: bam, you got everything covered and save a lot of money for the system, personnel, maintenance, and so on. But in fact, there are several ways that cause RPA failures.

How Much Custom Web App Development Costs?

How much does it cost for tech services like Custom web app development? That’s one of the most-asked questions CMC Global has ever received, and …

Global TOP Leading Outsourcing Companies (A 2021 Guide)

“Outsourcing” is the norm for several industries today since it is a great way to cut down costs and enhance productivity as companies can focus …

Software Upgrade and Software Update Differences?

For someone who has been using software products for a while, we are all used to the occasional and partly annoying prompt asking you to …

The 4 Software Maintenance Categories and What to Know

One thing when we talk about software maintenance categories is the curse of the “why fix something if it isn’t broken?”. Generally, most people think …

2021’s Emerging Talent Acquisition Trends

Even though 2020 is coming to an end, countries and many of their industries have still been struggling from its severe impacts, and HR/ recruiting …

Cloud services Outsourcing 2020 Report: A Year of Cloud

COVID-19 has caused countless damages to people all over the world, and yet, it is the main trigger to driving a fundamental shift in the way business see their operation process. With all the lockdown and social distancing policies, customer utilization has changed from manual labor to automation and cloud computing.